Transition Planning
Planning Process
Transition planning is a process used to help students prepare for their life as adults beyond their school years. Through this process, students will be able to prepare for their adult life roles as a worker, a family member, a citizen of their community, and as a recreation participant. It is an opportunity for the student to make choices about their lives, and to have the support of their families and friends, the schools, and their community to help them realize their dreams for the future.
It is the goal of the Garfield Skills Center to provide the student with educational opportunities and instruction in the skills necessary for the student to be successful in the achievement of his or her life goals. This is accomplished through the development of an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP).
At the Skills Center, Transition Planning is the foundation of the student’s Individualized Educational Program. When a transition plan is effectively written the student will have the opportunity to give input into:
- What type of job they want to have
- Where they want to live as adults and with whom
- How they will contribute as a member of a household
- How they want to participate in their community
- How they want to recreate
- What educational and outside agency supports they will need to accomplish these goals.
Transition Planning for Full Time Skill Center Students
In order to develop a meaningful transition plan the student and his or her family will be asked to complete a Transition Questionnaire. This questionnaire will help the student and their family to consider what the possibilities are for life beyond the school years. The student will be asked to identify preferences and interests, skills that he or she already has, and skills that he or she would like to improve in. The information given in this questionnaire will be used to:
Every year, during the student’s IEPT meeting, the Transition Plan will be reviewed and updated to report progress toward the student’s life goals, or to change the plan if necessary. When the student leaves the Skill Center program it is the hope that both the student and parent feel confident that the student will be transitioning into a satisfying adult life.
Parents In Transition
The parents/caregivers of each student play an integral role in the Transition Planning process by providing guidance and support for their child to make realistic decisions and to advocate for their child to see that his or her needs are being addressed. Throughout the school year parents have many opportunities to learn more about Transition and how to be an advocate for their child by attending informational workshops sponsored by the Skill Center and other agencies.