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Transportation to and from the Skill Center is provided by the resident school district. If you are experiencing problems with pick-up and/or drop-off times, you should contact the appropriate school district and explain the nature of the problem. The phone numbers for the resident school districts providing transportation are listed below:

  • Crestwood: Patty - Transportation Supervisor - (313) 274-3510
  • Garden City: Marie St. Onge - Transportation Department - (734) 762-8325
  • Livonia: Susan Ashley - Transportation Dispatch - (734) -744-2517, Special Education Dispatch - ext. 42155
  • Northville: Scott Wallace - Dispatch Supervisor - (248) 465-2070 or 71
  • Plymouth-Canton: Kelli Spalding -Dispatch Supervisor - (734) 416-3032
  • Redford Union: Miles Tomasitis - Dispatch Supervisor - (313) 242-4401
  • Romulus: Transportation Office - (734) 532-16540
  • South Redford: Laura Spangler - General Manager - (313) 535-4000 ext. 1105
  • Van Buren: Elizabeth Banks - Dispatcher - (734) 699-5100
  • Wayne-Westland: Tara Dreon / Mike Selvia - (734) 419-2004
  • Westwood: DHT - (313) 895-1300 / Westwood - David - (313) 565-3874
  • Fidelity Transportation: (248) 536-2022

General inquires concerning transportation should be directed to Leah Clark at 734-744-2810